Source code for enigmatoolbox.plotting.surface_plotting

# Author: Oualid Benkarim <>
# License: BSD 3 clause

from itertools import product as iter_prod
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

from .base import Plotter
from .colormaps import colormaps
from . import defaults_plotting as dp
from .utils import _broadcast, _expand_arg, _grep_args, _gen_grid, _get_ranges
from ..datasets import load_fsa, load_fsa5, load_conte69, load_subcortical
from ..utils.parcellation import subcorticalvertices
from ..mesh.mesh_io import read_surface
from ..vtk_interface.decorators import wrap_input

orientations = {'medial': (0, -90, -90),
                'lateral': (0, 90, 90),
                'ventral': (0, 180, 0),
                'dorsal': (0, 0, 0)}

def _add_colorbar(ren, lut, location, **cb_kwds):

    kwds = dp.scalarBarActor_kwds.copy()
    kwds = {k.lower(): v for k, v in kwds.items()}

    orientation = 'vertical'
    if location in {'top', 'bottom'}:
        orientation = 'horizontal'
        kwds['width'], kwds['height'] = kwds['height'], kwds['width']

    if lut.GetIndexedLookup():
        if location == 'left':
            kwds['position'] = (.32, 0.25)
        elif location == 'right':
            kwds['position'] = (-.32, 0.25)
        elif location == 'bottom':
            kwds['position'] = (0.25, 0.73)
            kwds['position'] = (0.25, -.43)
    elif location in {'top', 'bottom'}:
        kwds['position'] = kwds['position'][::-1]

    text_pos = 'precedeScalarBar'
    if lut.GetIndexedLookup():
        if location in {'left', 'bottom'}:
            text_pos = 'succeedScalarBar'
    elif location in {'right', 'top'}:
        text_pos = 'succeedScalarBar'

    for k, v in cb_kwds.items():
        if isinstance(kwds.get(k, None), dict):
            kwds[k] = v

    kwds.update({'lookuptable': lut, 'orientation': orientation,
                 'textPosition': text_pos})

    return ren.AddScalarBarActor(**kwds)

def _add_text(ren, text, location, **lt_kwds):
    orientation = 0
    if location == 'left':
        orientation = 90
    elif location == 'right':
        orientation = -90

    kwds = dp.textActor_kwds.copy()
    kwds = {k.lower(): v for k, v in kwds.items()}
    for k, v in lt_kwds.items():
        if isinstance(kwds.get(k, None), dict):
            kwds[k] = v

    kwds.update({'input': text, 'orientation': orientation})
    return ren.AddTextActor(**kwds)

[docs]def build_plotter(surfs, layout, array_name=None, view=None, color_bar=None, color_range=None, share=False, label_text=None, cmap='viridis', nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 1), zoom=1, background=(1, 1, 1), size=(400, 400), **kwargs): """Build plotter arranged according to the `layout` (author: @OualidBenkarim) Parameters ---------- surfs : dict[str, BSPolyData] Dictionary of surfaces. layout : array-like, shape = (n_rows, n_cols) Array of surface keys in `surfs`. Specifies how window is arranged. array_name : array-like, optional Names of point data array to plot for each layout entry. Use a tuple with multiple array names to plot multiple arrays (overlays) per layout entry. Default is None. view : array-like, optional View for each each layout entry. Possible views are {'lateral', 'medial', 'ventral', 'dorsal'}. If None, use default view. Default is None. color_bar : {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} or None, optional Location where color bars are rendered. If None, color bars are not included. Default is None. color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence. Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used if array has positive and negative values. Default is None. share : {'row', 'col', 'both'} or bool, optional If ``share == 'row'``, point data for surfaces in the same row share same data range. If ``share == 'col'``, the same but for columns. If ``share == 'both'``, all data shares same range. If True, similar to ``share == 'both'``. Default is False. label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None. cmap : str or sequence of str, optional Color map name (from matplotlib) for each array name. Default is 'viridis'. nan_color : tuple Color for nan values. Default is (0, 0, 0, 1). zoom : float or sequence of float, optional Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry. background : tuple Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1). size : tuple, optional Window size. Default is (400, 400). kwargs : keyword-valued args Additional arguments passed to the renderers, actors, mapper, color_bar or plotter. Returns ------- plotter : Plotter An instance of Plotter. See Also -------- :func:`plot_surf` :func:`plot_cortical` :func:`plot_subcortical` Notes ----- If sequences, shapes of `array_name`, `view` and `zoom` must be equal or broadcastable to the shape of `layout`. Renderer keywords must also be broadcastable to the shape of `layout`. If sequences, shapes of `cmap` and `cbar_range` must be equal or broadcastable to the shape of `array_name`, including the number of array names per entry. Actor and mapper keywords must also be broadcastable to the shape of `array_name`. """ # Layout for k in np.unique(layout): if k not in surfs and k is not None: raise ValueError("Key '%s' is not in 'surfs'" % k) # Share if share is True: share = 'b' elif share is None or share is False: share = None elif share in {'row', 'r', 'col', 'c', 'both', 'b'}: share = share[0] else: raise ValueError("Unknown share=%s" % share) # Color bar if color_bar is True: color_bar = 'right' elif color_bar is None or color_bar is False: color_bar = None elif color_bar not in {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}: raise ValueError("Unknown color_bar=%s" % color_bar) if share == 'c' and color_bar in {'left', 'right'}: raise ValueError("Incompatible color_bar=%s and " "share=%s" % (color_bar, share)) if share == 'r' and color_bar in {'top', 'bottom'}: raise ValueError("Incompatible color_bar=%s and " "share=%s" % (color_bar, share)) layout = np.atleast_2d(layout) nrow, ncol = shape = layout.shape view = _broadcast(view, 'view', shape) zoom = _broadcast(zoom, 'zoom', shape) array_name = _expand_arg(array_name, 'array_name', shape) cmap = _expand_arg(cmap, 'cmap', shape, ref=array_name) color_range = _expand_arg(color_range, 'cbar_range', shape, ref=array_name) ren_kwds = _grep_args('renderer', kwargs, shape=shape) actor_kwds = _grep_args('actor', kwargs, shape=shape, ref=array_name) mapper_kwds = _grep_args('mapper', kwargs, shape=shape, ref=array_name) cb_kwds = _grep_args('cb', kwargs) text_kwds = _grep_args('text', kwargs) # lut_kwds = _grep_args('lut', kwargs) # Label text if label_text is None: label_text = {} elif isinstance(label_text, (list, np.ndarray)): label_text = {'left': label_text} # Array ranges specs = _get_ranges(layout, surfs, array_name, share, color_range) # Grid grid_row, grid_col, ridx, cidx, entries = \ _gen_grid(nrow, ncol, label_text, color_bar, share) kwargs.update({'nrow': grid_row, 'ncol': grid_col, 'size': size}) p = Plotter(**kwargs) for iren, jren in iter_prod(range(len(ridx)), range(len(cidx))): i, j = ridx[iren], cidx[jren] kwds = dp.renderer_kwds.copy() kwds.update({'row': iren, 'col': jren, 'background': background}) # Renderers for empty entries if isinstance(i, str) or isinstance(j, str): if isinstance(i, str) and isinstance(j, str): p.AddRenderer(**kwds) continue kwds.update({k: v[i, j] for k, v in ren_kwds.items()}) kwds['background'] = background # just in case ren = p.AddRenderer(**kwds) if layout[i, j] is None: continue s = surfs[layout[i, j]] for ia, name in enumerate(array_name[i, j]): if name is False or name is None: continue sp = specs[ia, i, j] # Actor actor = dp.actor_kwds.copy() actor.update({k: v[i, j][ia] for k, v in actor_kwds.items()}) if view[i, j] is not None: actor['orientation'] = orientations[view[i, j]] # Mapper mapper = dp.mapper_kwds.copy() mapper['scalarVisibility'] = name is not True mapper['interpolateScalarsBeforeMapping'] = not sp['disc'] mapper.update({k: v[i, j][ia] for k, v in mapper_kwds.items()}) mapper['inputDataObject'] = s if name is not True: mapper['arrayName'] = name # Lut lut = dp.lookuptable_kwds.copy() lut['numberOfTableValues'] = sp['nval'] lut['range'] = (sp['min'], sp['max']) cm = cmap[i, j][ia] if cm is not None: if cm in colormaps: table = colormaps[cm] else: cm = plt.get_cmap(cm) nvals = lut['numberOfTableValues'] table = cm(np.linspace(0, 1, nvals)) * 255 table = table.astype(np.uint8) lut['table'] = table if nan_color: lut['nanColor'] = nan_color # Do not support indexed lut for now # if sp['disc']: # lut['IndexedLookup'] = True # color_idx = sp['val'] # lut['annotations'] = (color_idx, color_idx.astype(str)) # cb_kwds['labelFormat'] = '%-4.0f' mapper['lookuptable'] = lut ren.AddActor(**actor, mapper=mapper) ren.ResetCamera() ren.activeCamera.parallelProjection = True ren.activeCamera.Zoom(zoom[i, j]) # Plot renderers for color bar, text for e in entries: kwds = dp.renderer_kwds.copy() kwds.update({'row': e.row, 'col': e.col, 'background': background}) ren1 = p.AddRenderer(**kwds) if isinstance(e.label, str): _add_text(ren1, e.label, e.loc, **text_kwds) else: # color bar ren_lut = p.renderers[p.populated[e.label]][-1] lut = ren_lut.actors.lastActor.mapper.lookupTable _add_colorbar(ren1, lut.VTKObject, e.loc, **cb_kwds) return p
[docs]def plot_surf(surfs, layout, array_name=None, view=None, color_bar=None, color_range=None, share=False, label_text=None, cmap='viridis', nan_color=(0, 0, 0, 1), zoom=1, background=(1, 1, 1), size=(400, 400), embed_nb=False, interactive=True, scale=(1, 1), transparent_bg=True, screenshot=False, filename=None, return_plotter=False, **kwargs): """Plot surfaces arranged according to the `layout` (author: @OualidBenkarim) Parameters ---------- surfs : dict[str, BSPolyData] Dictionary of surfaces. layout : array-like, shape = (n_rows, n_cols) Array of surface keys in `surfs`. Specifies how window is arranged. array_name : array-like, optional Names of point data array to plot for each layout entry. Use a tuple with multiple array names to plot multiple arrays (overlays) per layout entry. Default is None. view : array-like, optional View for each each layout entry. Possible views are {'lateral', 'medial', 'ventral', 'dorsal'}. If None, use default view. Default is None. color_bar : {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'} or None, optional Location where color bars are rendered. If None, color bars are not included. Default is None. color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence. Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used if array has positive and negative values. Default is None. share : {'row', 'col', 'both'} or bool, optional If ``share == 'row'``, point data for surfaces in the same row share same data range. If ``share == 'col'``, the same but for columns. If ``share == 'both'``, all data shares same range. If True, similar to ``share == 'both'``. Default is False. label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None. cmap : str or sequence of str, optional Color map name (from matplotlib) for each array name. Default is 'viridis'. nan_color : tuple Color for nan values. Default is (0, 0, 0, 1). zoom : float or sequence of float, optional Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry. background : tuple Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1). size : tuple, optional Window size. Default is (400, 400). interactive : bool, optional Whether to enable interaction. Default is True. embed_nb : bool, optional Whether to embed figure in notebook. Only used if running in a notebook. Default is False. screenshot : bool, optional Take a screenshot instead of rendering. Default is False. filename : str, optional Filename to save the screenshot. Default is None. transparent_bg : bool, optional Whether to us a transparent background. Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is False. scale : tuple, optional Scale (magnification). Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is None. kwargs : keyword-valued args Additional arguments passed to the renderers, actors, mapper or plotter. Returns ------- figure : Ipython Image or panel or None Figure to plot. None if using vtk for rendering (i.e., ``embed_nb == False``). See Also -------- :func:`build_plotter` :func:`plot_cortical` :func:`plot_subcortical` Notes ----- If sequences, shapes of `array_name`, `view` and `zoom` must be equal or broadcastable to the shape of `layout`. Renderer keywords must also be broadcastable to the shape of `layout`. If sequences, shapes of `cmap` and `cbar_range` must be equal or broadcastable to the shape of `array_name`, including the number of array names per entry. Actor and mapper keywords must also be broadcastable to the shape of `array_name`. """ if screenshot and filename is None: raise ValueError('Filename is required.') if screenshot or embed_nb: kwargs.update({'offscreen': True}) p = build_plotter(surfs, layout, array_name=array_name, view=view, color_bar=color_bar, color_range=color_range, share=share, label_text=label_text, cmap=cmap, nan_color=nan_color, zoom=zoom, background=background, size=size, **kwargs) if return_plotter: return p if screenshot: return p.screenshot(filename, transparent_bg=transparent_bg, scale=scale) return, interactive=interactive, scale=scale, transparent_bg=transparent_bg)
[docs]@wrap_input(0, 1) def plot_cortical(array_name=None, surface_name='fsa5', color_bar=False, color_range=None, label_text=None, cmap='RdBu_r', nan_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), zoom=1, background=(1, 1, 1), size=(400, 400), interactive=True, embed_nb=False, screenshot=False, filename=None, scale=(1, 1), transparent_bg=True, **kwargs): """Plot cortical surface with lateral and medial views (authors: @OualidBenkarim, @saratheriver) Parameters ---------- array_name : str, list of str, ndarray or list of ndarray, optional Name of point data array to plot. If ndarray, the array is split for the left and right hemispheres. If list, plot one row per array. Default is None. surface_name : str, optional Name of surface {'fsa', 'fsa5', 'conte69}. Default is 'fsa5'. color_bar : bool, optional Plot color bar for each array (row). Default is False. color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence. Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used if array has positive and negative values. Default is None. label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None. nan_color : tuple Color for nan values. Default is (1, 1, 1, 0). zoom : float or sequence of float, optional Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry. background : tuple Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1). cmap : str, optional Colormap name (from matplotlib). Default is 'RdBu_r'. size : tuple, optional Window size. Default is (400, 400). interactive : bool, optional Whether to enable interaction. Default is True. embed_nb : bool, optional Whether to embed figure in notebook. Only used if running in a notebook. Default is False. screenshot : bool, optional Take a screenshot instead of rendering. Default is False. filename : str, optional Filename to save the screenshot. Default is None. transparent_bg : bool, optional Whether to us a transparent background. Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is False. scale : tuple, optional Scale (magnification). Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is None. kwargs : keyword-valued args Additional arguments passed to the plotter. Returns ------- figure : Ipython Image or None Figure to plot. None if using vtk for rendering (i.e., ``embed_nb == False``). See Also -------- :func:`build_plotter` :func:`plot_surf` """ if color_bar is True: color_bar = 'right' if surface_name == "fsa5": surf_lh, surf_rh = load_fsa5() elif surface_name == "fsa": surf_lh, surf_rh = load_fsa() elif surface_name == "conte69": surf_lh, surf_rh = load_conte69() surfs = {'lh': surf_lh, 'rh': surf_rh} layout = ['lh', 'lh', 'rh', 'rh'] view = ['lateral', 'medial', 'lateral', 'medial'] if isinstance(array_name, pd.Series): array_name = array_name.to_numpy() if isinstance(array_name, np.ndarray): if array_name.ndim == 2: array_name = [a for a in array_name] elif array_name.ndim == 1: array_name = [array_name] if isinstance(array_name, list): layout = [layout] * len(array_name) array_name2 = [] n_pts_lh = surf_lh.n_points for an in array_name: if isinstance(an, np.ndarray): name = surf_lh.append_array(an[:n_pts_lh], at='p') surf_rh.append_array(an[n_pts_lh:], name=name, at='p') array_name2.append(name) else: array_name2.append(an) array_name = np.asarray(array_name2)[:, None] if isinstance(cmap, list): cmap = np.asarray(cmap)[:, None] kwds = {'view': view, 'share': 'r'} kwds.update(kwargs) return plot_surf(surfs, layout, array_name=array_name, color_bar=color_bar, color_range=color_range, label_text=label_text, cmap=cmap, nan_color=nan_color, zoom=zoom, background=background, size=size, interactive=interactive, embed_nb=embed_nb, screenshot=screenshot, filename=filename, scale=scale, transparent_bg=transparent_bg, **kwds)
[docs]def plot_subcortical(array_name=None, ventricles=True, color_bar=False, color_range=None, label_text=None, cmap='RdBu_r', nan_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), zoom=1, background=(1, 1, 1), size=(400, 400), interactive=True, embed_nb=False, screenshot=False, filename=None, scale=(1, 1), transparent_bg=True, **kwargs): """Plot subcortical surface with lateral and medial views (author: @saratheriver) Parameters ---------- array_name : str, list of str, ndarray or list of ndarray, optional Name of point data array to plot. If ndarray, the array is split for the left and right hemispheres. If list, plot one row per array. Default is None. ventricles : bool, optional Whether to include ventricles (i.e., array_name must have 16 values). False does not include ventricles (e.g., array_name must have 14 values). Default is True. color_bar : bool, optional Plot color bar for each array (row). Default is False. color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence. Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used if array has positive and negative values. Default is None. label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None. nan_color : tuple Color for nan values. Default is (1, 1, 1, 0). zoom : float or sequence of float, optional Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry. background : tuple Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1). cmap : str, optional Color map name (from matplotlib). Default is 'RdBu_r'. size : tuple, optional Window size. Default is (400, 400). interactive : bool, optional Whether to enable interaction. Default is True. embed_nb : bool, optional Whether to embed figure in notebook. Only used if running in a notebook. Default is False. screenshot : bool, optional Take a screenshot instead of rendering. Default is False. filename : str, optional Filename to save the screenshot. Default is None. transparent_bg : bool, optional Whether to us a transparent background. Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is False. scale : tuple, optional Scale (magnification). Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is None. kwargs : keyword-valued args Additional arguments passed to the plotter. Returns ------- figure : Ipython Image or None Figure to plot. None if using vtk for rendering (i.e., ``embed_nb == False``). See Also -------- :func:`build_plotter` :func:`plot_surf` """ if color_bar is True: color_bar = 'right' if ventricles: surf_lh, surf_rh = load_subcortical() elif ventricles is False: surf_lh, surf_rh = load_subcortical() surfs = {'lh': surf_lh, 'rh': surf_rh} layout = ['lh', 'lh', 'rh', 'rh'] view = ['lateral', 'medial', 'lateral', 'medial'] if isinstance(array_name, pd.Series): array_name = array_name.to_numpy() if array_name.shape == (1, 16) or array_name.shape == (1, 14): array_name = np.transpose(array_name) if len(array_name) == 16 and ventricles: array_name = subcorticalvertices(array_name) elif len(array_name) == 14 and ventricles is False: array_name3 = np.empty(16) array_name3[:] = np.nan array_name3[0:7] = array_name[0:7] array_name3[8:15] = array_name[7:] array_name = subcorticalvertices(array_name3) if isinstance(array_name, np.ndarray): if array_name.ndim == 2: array_name = [a for a in array_name] elif array_name.ndim == 1: array_name = [array_name] if isinstance(array_name, list): layout = [layout] * len(array_name) array_name2 = [] n_pts_lh = surf_lh.n_points for an in array_name: if isinstance(an, np.ndarray): name = surf_lh.append_array(an[:n_pts_lh], at='p') surf_rh.append_array(an[n_pts_lh:], name=name, at='p') array_name2.append(name) else: array_name2.append(an) array_name = np.asarray(array_name2)[:, None] if isinstance(cmap, list): cmap = np.asarray(cmap)[:, None] kwds = {'view': view, 'share': 'r'} kwds.update(kwargs) return plot_surf(surfs, layout, array_name=array_name, color_bar=color_bar, color_range=color_range, label_text=label_text, cmap=cmap, nan_color=nan_color, zoom=zoom, background=background, size=size, interactive=interactive, embed_nb=embed_nb, screenshot=screenshot, filename=filename, scale=scale, transparent_bg=transparent_bg, **kwds)
def plot_hippocampal(array_name=None, color_bar=False, color_range=None, label_text=None, cmap='RdBu_r', nan_color=(1, 1, 1, 0), zoom=1, background=(1, 1, 1), size=(400, 400), interactive=True, embed_nb=False, screenshot=False, filename=None, scale=(1, 1), transparent_bg=True, **kwargs): """Plot hippocampal surface with lateral and medial views (author: @saratheriver, @jordandekraker) Parameters ---------- array_name : str, list of str, ndarray or list of ndarray, optional Name of point data array to plot. If ndarray, the array is split for the left and right hemispheres. If list, plot one row per array. Default is None. color_bar : bool, optional Plot color bar for each array (row). Default is False. color_range : {'sym'}, tuple or sequence. Range for each array name. If 'sym', uses a symmetric range. Only used if array has positive and negative values. Default is None. label_text : dict[str, array-like], optional Label text for column/row. Possible keys are {'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'}, which indicate the location. Default is None. nan_color : tuple Color for nan values. Default is (1, 1, 1, 0). zoom : float or sequence of float, optional Zoom applied to the surfaces in each layout entry. background : tuple Background color. Default is (1, 1, 1). cmap : str, optional Color map name (from matplotlib). Default is 'RdBu_r'. size : tuple, optional Window size. Default is (400, 400). interactive : bool, optional Whether to enable interaction. Default is True. embed_nb : bool, optional Whether to embed figure in notebook. Only used if running in a notebook. Default is False. screenshot : bool, optional Take a screenshot instead of rendering. Default is False. filename : str, optional Filename to save the screenshot. Default is None. transparent_bg : bool, optional Whether to us a transparent background. Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is False. scale : tuple, optional Scale (magnification). Only used if ``screenshot==True``. Default is None. kwargs : keyword-valued args Additional arguments passed to the plotter. Returns ------- figure : Ipython Image or None Figure to plot. None if using vtk for rendering (i.e., ``embed_nb == False``). See Also -------- :func:`build_plotter` :func:`plot_surf` """ if color_bar is True: color_bar = 'right' root_pth = os.path.dirname(__file__) fname = '' ipth = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(root_pth), 'datasets', 'surfaces', fname) surfsTmp = [None] * 2 for i in range(2): surfsTmp[i] = read_surface(ipth) surf_lh = surfsTmp[0] surf_rh = surfsTmp[1] surfs = {'lh': surf_lh, 'rh': surf_rh} layout = ['lh', 'lh', 'rh', 'rh'] view = ['lateral', 'medial', 'lateral', 'medial'] if isinstance(array_name, pd.Series): array_name = array_name.to_numpy() if array_name.shape == (1, 14524): array_name = np.transpose(array_name) if isinstance(array_name, np.ndarray): if array_name.ndim == 2: array_name = [a for a in array_name] elif array_name.ndim == 1: array_name = [array_name] if isinstance(array_name, list): layout = [layout] * len(array_name) array_name2 = [] n_pts_lh = surf_lh.n_points for an in array_name: if isinstance(an, np.ndarray): name = surf_lh.append_array(an[:n_pts_lh], at='p') surf_rh.append_array(an[n_pts_lh:], name=name, at='p') array_name2.append(name) else: array_name2.append(an) array_name = np.asarray(array_name2)[:, None] if isinstance(cmap, list): cmap = np.asarray(cmap)[:, None] kwds = {'view': view, 'share': 'r'} kwds.update(kwargs) return plot_surf(surfs, layout, array_name=array_name, color_bar=color_bar, color_range=color_range, label_text=label_text, cmap=cmap, nan_color=nan_color, zoom=zoom, background=background, size=size, interactive=interactive, embed_nb=embed_nb, screenshot=screenshot, filename=filename, scale=scale, transparent_bg=transparent_bg, **kwds)